Endangered Places Toolkit

After almost 15 years of shining the light on Canada’s Top Ten Endangered Places, we’ve collected our lessons learned into an Endangered Places Toolkit to help you understand the issues and give you the tools you need to make a difference.

Canadians are rising to the challenge of saving the places they love, whether prominent landmark owned by the government, or modest home in a historic neighbourhood. Here is your toolkit to understand and tackle those challenges.

Part 1: Historic Places 101

Canada’s communities are made up of historic places that define our national identity and give shape and texture to our urban and rural neighbourhoods. Their social, historic, and environmental value goes well beyond the economic value they hold for their current owners.

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Part 2: Why Historic Places Matter

From the humblest to the grandest, historic buildings tell the story of Canada better than any textbook, and represent our country in all its beauty and diversity. But historic places perform other vital roles.

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Part 3: What Roles Do Governments Play?

Canadian property and civil rights—including heritage protection—come under the exclusive jurisdiction of provincial-territorial governments. Legal protection of individual properties of heritage value (and sometimes districts) resides with these governments and their municipalities.

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Part 4: Understanding Advocacy

The threats facing historic places can be highly complex, so there is no fail-proof method to play the role of heritage advocate. But here are some of the approaches that often characterize successful campaigns to save a place.

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Part 5: Strengthening Your Position

Before you speak out on an advocacy issue, be very clear on the nature of the changes proposed for the historic place.

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Part 6: Shining a National Spotlight on Your Endangered Place

The following tips will help guide you through shining a spotlight on your endangered place using free tactics.

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Part 7: Meeting with Elected Officials

Remember, all politics is local. Undertake research on the issues that the elected official supports and think about how they can intersect with your advocacy concern.

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